Monday, December 15, 2014

Coming Together....

I've got your regularly scheduled author interview for tomorrow, because I really wanted to take the time to announce the release of Coming Together, so come back tomorrow for Essemoh Teepee's interview!

I've been talking about this collection since I started working on it... back in February was when I put together the proposal...

Hard to believe it was almost a year ago that I had this crazy idea.

To this day, my call for the antho remains one of the most viewed webpages on this blog...  working on an anthology was both harder and more rewarding than I could have imagined... so, I want to take a moment and thank all my writers, who are lovely and wonderful. I've connected in new ways to writers I already knew and loved; I've met some established writers that I didn't know before, and I've brought some new writers into my wonderful, crazy world.

Thank you, all of you, for making this dream a reality. Thank you for trusting me with your stories. Thank you for submitting such excellent work. Thank you for caring about Still's Disease, and about giving me your hard work to help this cause. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Buy Links Kindle | Paperback | Smashwords | All Romance | Create Space | Barnes and Noble

And thank you, dear reader, for caring, and for buying... And please, if you buy, could you please review - it doesn't have to be much, just a sentence or two on Amazon or B&N will help my cause a lot! Appreciate it!


Still Blissemas... (I'll be up at the end of the week...) and you can see what KD Grace has for you... KD shares table of content space with me for Sexy Librarian's. She wrote Cherries in Season, which is a reader favorite... So go see what she has to say, I'm sure it'll be great!


Free books from Torquere...

For today only - 24 hours! - Torquere has the following books for free, including something I think you'll find familiar...

Roll by Lynn Townsend

From the farms of Tennessee, Beau Watkins had it all in high school; the cute girl, the popular, jock lifestyle, a loving family. As a rising freshman at an out-of-state college, he's determined to find out who he really is behind the fake it 'til you make it attitude. He joins Rainbow Connection, the gay student alliance, hoping to find himself. Instead, he finds Vin Reyes. Raised by his grandparents and the heir to a prosperous company, Vin has been out of the closet since he figured out what that meant. He has it all: fashionable clothing, fancy cars, huge houses, and a real party lifestyle, even a bodyguard. Most of all, he has a secret.

Uncomfortable with Vin's generosity, Beau fights his growing attraction for the president of Rainbow Connection, chasing instead a series of shallow affairs. Vin's never been denied anything that he wants, though, and now he wants Beau. But it's not until an old rival puts Beau in the hospital that Vin realizes that Beau means more to him than a simple love affair. Can the two of them bridge the gap between their worlds and roll with the all the punches life will throw at them?


Ruby: Lost and Found by M.D. Grimm

Morgorth is a mage on the planet Karishian. There is little he hates more than the Stones of Power -- gemstones infused with magick by the first seven mages ever born. So when a sorcerer gets hold of a major stone, a ruby, Morgorth has no choice but to go after him. But, to his irritation, he is not alone. Aishe is a dialen whose tribe was massacred by the sorcerer, and is now on a mission of vengeance. The attraction is instant between them, but Morgorth keeps his distance. Because of a traumatic childhood and a deadly destiny, he has no desire for emotional complications. But Aishe's very presence challenges Morgorth's resolve.

Not only does Morgorth begin to admire Aishe's strength and intelligence, but he begins to see Aishe as a friend. As their hunt continues and their time together lengthens, their bond deepens, as does Morgorth's fear. If he becomes the monster that destiny claims he will, will he hurt Aishe? Will he harm the one person who sees right through him? Who accepts him wholeheartedly? Determined to not let that happen, Morgorth keeps Aishe at a distance, but when Aishe is kidnapped by the sorcerer, what will Morgorth do to get him back?


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